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Relieve back pain and promote regeneration of discs
just 3 - 5 minutes a day For contra-indications click here RELIEVE BACK PAIN AND PROMOTE REGENERATION OF DISCS DISCS
Nerves emerge from the spine through spaces
between the vertebrae.
FACET JOINTS Facet joints link vertebrae together. Their articulating surfaces are coated with cartilage thatallows the vertebrae to move and glide smoothly against each other. Healthy facet joints are essential for flexibility, bending and stretching.
INVERTED While inverted the spine elongates, spaces between Inverting regularly, even just a few minutes a day, allows discs
Astronauts gain height As babies, our discs are 90% water, and they reduce to 70% by age 70. The effect is loss of height and body shape with the possibility of inflammation and pain. Traction perfectly synchronised: The amount of traction given In a study by Sheffield5 89% of back pain sufferers were able to return to work full-time after 8 sessions of inversion. POSTURE AND ALIGNMENT People with good posture appear confident, whereas poor Correct alignment improves our relationship to gravity, How we respond to gravity is similar to the way an empty Minor misalignments can correct
themselves with inverted movement or exercise. STIMULATE CIRCULATION AND LYMPHATIC FLOW Circulation The body has to work against gravity to retrieve blood from the lower body; but inverted, gravity works in our favour and stimulates circulation. Varicose Veins: One-way valves along the veins prevent blood flowing backwards. However, if a valve is weak, the blood slips back,and causes the vein to bulge. When distended, varicose veins become painful. Over time, as bulging intensifies with increased pressure, surrounding valves give way, increasing the area of varicosity. Although raising the legs relieves the pressure, inverting stimulates circulation and allows blood trapped in veins to drain and re-circulate, and the veins have a chance to rest. Lymph What is lymph? When blood in the circulatory system flows through fine capillaries, some of the plasma leaves the capillaries, and this fluid, which is now called interstitial fluid, bathes the cells, giving them oxygen and nutrients, and removing waste products. 90% of the plasma returns to the bloodstream through the capillary walls, and the rest is taken into the lymphatic system as lymph. Lymph nodes occur at certain intervals along the lymph vessels. They form part of the immune system since they filter the lymph as it flows through, destroying microbes and preventing the spread of infection. An efficient lymphatic system clears wastes and toxins effectively and helps strengthen immune function. Factors Affecting Flow of Lymph
RELIEVE MUSCLE TENSION AND STRESS Accumulated tension and stress can manifest as pain in back, neck and shoulders, possibly with headaches. Tense muscles cause spasm and pain by constricting blood and lymph vessels, which prevents them from delivering nutrient and oxygen to cells and eliminating wastes. According to a study conducted by Nosse7, EMG (electromyographic) activity, an indicator of muscle pain, declined over 35% within 10 seconds of inverting. ENHANCE MENTAL AND SENSORY FUNCTIONS Mental Acuity Well-nourished, the brain works better. According to W Wenger8 in "How to Increase your Intelligence", studies show there is no relationship between age and brain function. The only factor affecting mental acuity is the level of blood supply to the brain. Cells close to ample blood supply are well-developed, whereas those that are not, are ineffectual. Einstein's genius was due to superior circulatory function of his brain, not extra brain matter. Peter Russell, in "The Brain Book"10 notes that deterioration of the brain is not directly linked to age alone. Rather, it is caused by hardening arteries and high blood pressure, both of which reduce oxygen supply to the brain. Margaret George of the Institute for the Achievement of Human Potential, Calgary, Alberta,3 uses inversion as part of the therapy for brain-damaged children, since increased circulation speeds the repatterning process. She finds some children are able to process information while inverted that they cannot while upright. An interesting observation has been that when 'brain-damaged' children are first inverted, their faces do not flush, but remain pale. Repeated inversion eventually does bring on flushing as circulation to the head is increased. This suggests a relationship between mental inadequacy and insufficient blood supply to the head. Sharpen Senses Inverting after a workout speeds recovery, and games played in close succession benefit from improved performance in successive matches. Intense activity causes a build-up of lactic acid and carbon dioxide in the muscle, which can lead to stiffness, spasm and pain. The faster the waste is cleared, the faster the discomfort disappears. During the process of building muscle, fibres are torn down and replaced by more and better cells. After a workout, thousands of destroyed cells need to be carried away to make room for new growth. By increasing lymph flow, inversion speeds elimination of waste, and allows the body to focus on building new muscle tissue. STRENGTHEN LIGAMENTS AND JOINTS Ligaments are fibrous, collagen-filled strips of tissue that hold the bones together. They are flexible, but not very elastic, and can tear when subjected to sudden strain or excessive stretch. Mobilisation and gentle loading of ligaments can help increase the collagen content of the tissue, which strengthens them.9 Inversion stimulates circulation within joints, which promotes healthy mobility. IMPROVE BODY SHAPE AND FUNCTION Help Realign Prolapsed Organs There are 2 factors that contribute to the appearance of "middle-age spread". 1. Disc degeneration: As discs degenerate we lose height,and the lost height is re-distributed to the waistline. 2. Prolapse: Over time, internal organs can lose their original position in the body due to gravity. Prolapsed organs can compromise health and contribute to problems with digestion and elimination of waste chemicals. Inversion helps prolapsed organs regain their original position in the body. The result is a flatter abdomen and better health. As the organs are no longer being crowded on top of each other, their function is enhanced. STRENGTHEN AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM Inversion helps the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the internal environment of the body by controlling blood pressure, muscle tone, water balance, glandular secretion, respiratory rate, metabolism, temperature, biorhythm cycle and heart rate.
STRENGTHEN ABDOMINALS: Sit-ups strengthen the abdominals, which help support the back, but sit-ups done on the ground place unnecessary stress on your lower back and neck. Inverted sit-ups put no pressure on the back or neck. REFERENCES 1 Tanner, J. Beating Back Pain. London : Dorling Kindersley, 1987. 2 Kane, M et al: Effects of Gravity-facilitated Traction on Intervertebral Dimensions of the Lumbar Spine. Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Phys Ther. 281-288, Mar 85. 3 Broatch, J, Better Back Better Body, The New Inversion Way , Ed 4, 1996, 4 Nachemson, A and Elfstrom, G: Intravital Dynamic Pressure Measurements in Lumbar Discs. Scandinavian Journal of Rehab Medicine, supplement, 1970. 5 Sheffield , F: Adaptation of Tilt Table for Lumbar Traction. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 45: 469-492, 1964. 6 Ronsard, N. Beyond Cellulite. p 12, 146. New York : Villard Books, 1992. 7 Nosse, L.: Inverted Spinal Traction. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 59: 367-370, Aug 78. 8 Wenger, Win. How to Increase Your Intelligence. New York : Dell, 1975 9 BME/ME 456 Biomechanics: Structure and Function of Ligaments and Tendons" http://www.engin.umich.edu/class/bme456/ligten/ligten.htm 10 Russell, Peter. The Brain Book. New York: Hawthorne Books Inc., 1979 |